About Us

Mission Statement

Higher pursuit church exists to glorify God. We do this by pursuing what He loves— people. Our mission is to make followers of Jesus Christ that will make a lasting impact on our community and the world. We serve God together!

Our Pastors
Our Pastors

Pastors William and Kristin Phelps are the founders and lead pastors of Higher Pursuit Church in Mount Dora, Florida where they live with their 2 children. In 2014, William and Kristin answered God’s call to ministry.  At this time, they and their two daughters left Florida and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma to prepare for the ministry.  During that time, they attended Bible college, served in their local church, and continued to be faithful in their areas of employment.  For the past six years, Kristin has worked for a worldwide ministry in the areas of partner care, finance and IT and William has faithfully worked in the field of architecture for the past 20 years.  In 2020, the Lord called William, Kristin, and their children back to Florida to start Higher Pursuit Church in Mount Dora with a passion to see people know the love of Jesus Christ and to grow in their walk with Him.  

Fun Facts about the Phelps


  • Born in Michigan, loves cats, a clean house, anything girly and home décor.


  • Born in North Carolina, loves bacon, the North Carolina Tar Heels, and a good cup of coffee.

Our Values

Because We Exist To Glorify God

We Pursue God
We Pursue God
  • In worshipping together.
  • By studying the Bible and through prayer.
  • By seeking Him in our daily lives and inspiring others to do the same.

We were created to know God. We pursue God by gathering as one body devoted to worshipping the one true God. We do this through the study of the Word and in prayer, both together and in private so that our lives may inspire others to do the same

We Pursue Growth
We Pursue Growth
  • By building Families.
  • By promoting togetherness in the church – small groups, fellowship.
  • By helping you find your purpose.

Healthy things grow. Strong families are essential to that growth. We build strong foundations in every generation through the solid teaching of God’s Word. In addition, we believe we were created to do life together. Through fellowship we live together, laugh together, and find our purpose together.

We Pursue People
We Pursue People
  • Through seeking the lost. The great commission is essential.
  • By creating an environment for people to find God.
  • Through supporting missions locally and abroad.

“God so loved the World that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever would believe would not parish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) We believe that people are God’s greatest treasure and pursuit. We seek to create and environment for people to find God and to put their trust in Him. We actively engage with our community and share God’s love through supporting local & International outreaches.